Medical Sessional Suites for Lease and Practice Management Solutions
Dr Jia Haur Tho
Neurologist & Neurophysiologist
Dr Tho graduated from the National University of Ireland in 1999 and completed general medical postgraduate training leading up to obtaining the MRCP (UK) in 2002.
His clinical neurology and neurophysiology training was in London, UK and Australia. He moved to Darwin in 2007 and has worked as a consultant neurologist and physician. Thus, he has accumulated significant experience from a wide range of neurology exposure (especially tropical neurology) during his consultant years.
His special clinical interests: neurophysiology (EEG, EMG/NCS, EMG guided chemodenervation with Botulinum toxin injection), stroke, epilepsy and neuromuscular disorders. Apart from English, he is also fluent in Malay language and Mandarin (including other dialects such as Cantonese, Hakka and Hokkien).